Lynden Middle School


Lynden, WA

Project Overview:

This project involved the design and construction of a two-story school in order to maximize space within a smaller footprint. Through this design, the Lynden School District will be able to expand in the future and add additional buildings on the 30.5 acre site.

Services Provided:

GeoTest provided building envelope inspection and testing, working closely with the construction management and design teams to adhere to the Washington State Energy Code prescriptive approach and solve complicated air barrier continuity issues.


Lynden School District

Project Cost:

$17.6 Million

Additional Services Provided:

Geotechnical Engineering, Inspection and Testing of Mass Grading, Testing of Stormwater Elements, Reinforced Concrete and Structural Masonry Inspection, Structural Steel Inspection, Wood Framing Inspection, Adhesive Anchor Inspections, Concrete and Masonry Testing

Contact Geotest

Geotest welcomes the opportunity to become a part of your team and build the success of your company. We provide Construction Special Inspection and Materials Testing Services throughout Northwest Washington. Our Geotechnical Engineering Department and Environmental team can provide services in Washington State and Oregon.

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